Monday, November 30, 2015

December Calendar!!!

Here it is guys your own workout calendar, made by me!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Challenge!

Hey guys, so it's a now October! Crazy right?  Sometimes time goes by too fast but I'm glad it's here because 3 of my friends have birthdays this month and me!!! ;D   
But besides the awesomeness of it being my birthday  my friends' birthday there's also a new workout challenge!
That's right, we're now doing a challenge this month, because me and Mia needed to step up our workout game. ;D And we want YOU to join us!!!!!!!  
Now if you want to Mia is going to do only the countdown and handstand for a minute, because I must admit she is busier than me.
But if it want to have more of a challenge because you have more time, you can join me! 
It's super quick and if you're like me and stretch for about 45 minutes to an hour, you don't want to be working-out and stretching for 2 hours. :

So most of the exercises I think you should be familiar with but there are 2 that I don't know if you will be: 

Countdown: jumping jacks, jumping lunges and squats, and bunny hops, each move 10x, 9x, 8x, 7x, 6x, 5x, 4x, 3x, 2x, 1x. Thus the name countdown. 

Leg-ups: go into a pull-up and lift your legs up to a 90 degrees and then down, do these slow and with control! 

note: if you're like me and can't do a pull-up or chin-up yet use a stool to help you!
And btw I'm only doing this six days a week.

Let's do this together!


P.S if you didn't guess already Mia is Amelia's nickname among other ones. ;)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Quick and Easy stretching routine!

So today I thought I'd show you my stretching routine I do when I don't have time to stretch, when I'm sick or on my rest day each week, because I have learned that it's better to do one stretch than none at all.
This takes like literally 3 minutes!

For my warm up I like to do hip circles one leg at a time and arm circles and just kinda loosen everything up.

Hope you enjoy!

Btw guys I finally got my dream scorpion, now for my needle.☺️

Friday, August 28, 2015

Here is how to INCREASE YOUR FLEXIBILITY! YAY!!:)  So this is another routitne that I like to do.  Make sure to do a warm up brfore! (unless you want a pulled muscle)  Here is a good 5 minute warm up 5 minute fat burner
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Enjoy!:)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

How we got our Splits

So for a while we've been wanting to write a post about how we got our splits because we've looked at tutorials on Pinterest and a lot of them have been saying you can get your splits in 2 weeks, but sorry guys that's just not possible unless you're really close.  :P 
And you may be thinking how do these girls know this BECAUSE it took us 2 MONTHS and we did wayyy more stretches than them.
So here it is guys! :)
First before you do ANY stretches you want to warm up.
Here's one of our favorites: 5 min Fat Attack 
Now its time to STRETCH! :D Now these may seem like a lot of stretches but trust us they're necessary! Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.  DO BOTH LEGS!
We did these everyday and usually once a week we would pick just like 5 stretches to do for our rest day that week.

16.  If you can touch your toes you can go to 25 after doing 16.
We both send a prayer to everyone who reads this post for your journey to your splits!
By the way we would love to see progress photos, so just comment them down below!