Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Challenge!

Hey guys, so it's a now October! Crazy right?  Sometimes time goes by too fast but I'm glad it's here because 3 of my friends have birthdays this month and me!!! ;D   
But besides the awesomeness of it being my birthday  my friends' birthday there's also a new workout challenge!
That's right, we're now doing a challenge this month, because me and Mia needed to step up our workout game. ;D And we want YOU to join us!!!!!!!  
Now if you want to Mia is going to do only the countdown and handstand for a minute, because I must admit she is busier than me.
But if it want to have more of a challenge because you have more time, you can join me! 
It's super quick and if you're like me and stretch for about 45 minutes to an hour, you don't want to be working-out and stretching for 2 hours. :

So most of the exercises I think you should be familiar with but there are 2 that I don't know if you will be: 

Countdown: jumping jacks, jumping lunges and squats, and bunny hops, each move 10x, 9x, 8x, 7x, 6x, 5x, 4x, 3x, 2x, 1x. Thus the name countdown. 

Leg-ups: go into a pull-up and lift your legs up to a 90 degrees and then down, do these slow and with control! 

note: if you're like me and can't do a pull-up or chin-up yet use a stool to help you!
And btw I'm only doing this six days a week.

Let's do this together!


P.S if you didn't guess already Mia is Amelia's nickname among other ones. ;)

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